We are back!

1 year ago by Anthony Lee 🍁.
So after some thinking we have chosen to rebuild Tech Rundown and make it a quick easy source for tech news. We are still setting stuff up so for now we will just say welcome and happy to see you here. If you have any topics or suggestions let us know.
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Profile image for Anthony Lee 🍁Anthony Lee 🍁
1 year ago.
Will what be there forever? You can set custom CSS and remove it from the blog system if you use it. I plan to add more features to the bloging system.
Profile image for AbdujabbarAbdujabbar
1 year ago.
I explored around, how publishing with hey.cafe is smoother and faster. Comments on blogs are a plus point. There is also join hey.cafe button. Will it be there forever?
Profile image for Anthony Lee 🍁Anthony Lee 🍁
1 year ago.
I used to have a news site under this domain, I posted a lot to it years back and then left it dormant, but since I can run a site with the back end being hey.cafe I figured doing it again would be a good idea.
Profile image for AbdujabbarAbdujabbar
1 year ago.
This place looks interesting.
Profile image for Anthony Lee 🍁Anthony Lee 🍁
1 year ago.
I am kinda looking forward to making articles again.
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